Reseller Hosting : What you need to know about it

Reseller Hosting


Reseller hosting is a service offered by almost every web hosting company that allows a user or firm to sell web hosting as part of a package deal. Some reseller hosting plans work on a regular wholesale basis. You sign up for a reliable web host, setup a reseller account on a good hosting company, add your own branding when necessary and then resell the web hosting at a handsome markup to your clients.

The resellers income is based on what the client gets from the reseller account. While you get the hosting, you have to worry about customer service, making sure your customers are satisfied and paying for any services promptly. The upside to this model is that you don’t need to worry about the technical issues, the reseller company takes care of them and handles all the technical work.

The basic benefits of Linux reseller hosting at like is that you can earn a tidy profit on each account. The more accounts you have, the better chance you have of earning more, plus you have the freedom to choose your own domain name, keep your clients list current, handle multiple hosting accounts simultaneously and expand your customer base with great marketing techniques.

One important aspect you should consider before choosing this hosting plan is the cost of the Linux reseller plan itself. Some Linux based hosting plans charge outrageous prices that may put off clients who need cheap web site hosting services.

Another key benefit of Linux reseller hosting is that the web host is fully managed by the reseller. The web host maintains the server software, installs all the needed applications and keeps everything updated and maintained at all times. If you are running an eCommerce site, this is the best plan for you. It gives you full control of your online store from installation to operation. You can even offer your clients free accounts, for which you never pay anything.

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